Space Adventure Cobra – The Awakening is a newly announced sidescrolling action-platformer based on the classic 1982 anime series Space Adventure Cobra. Developed by Magic Pockets and published by Microids, the game is set to release in 2025 on multiple platforms, including PC (via Steam, GOG, Epic Games Store), PS5, PS4, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.
First look at Space Adventure Cobra - The Awakening!
— Microids (@Microids_off) September 10, 2024
🦾 Wishlist Steam:
Coming in 2025, this thrilling action platformer brings back the legendary hero and his battles against fierce adversaries. 🌌
Stay tuned for more!#SpaceAdventureCobra #Teaser
The game will allow players to relive the adventures of Cobra, the iconic space pirate, and his cyborg partner, Lady Armaroid. It focuses on adapting the first 12 episodes of the original anime, particularly the arc involving the quest to save three enigmatic sisters connected to a fabulous treasure. The developers aim to capture the spirit of the original series while offering a modern gaming experience that appeals to both long-time fans and new players.
Space Adventure Cobra – The Awakening promises dynamic gameplay, faithful graphics, and a carefully crafted narrative. Players will navigate exotic planets, face formidable enemies, and use Cobra’s signature weapons, such as the Psychogun and Colt Python 77, to overcome challenges. The game will also feature both solo and multiplayer modes, offering various difficulty levels to cater to different player preferences.